Do You Want To Buy An AED?
by Chris Schlesinger
In Home CPR Blog

In Home CPR is able to sell all major brand AEDs and AED supplies to our clients at prices below retail prices.
We can ship these brands anywhere in the U.S.: Philips, HeartSine, Defibtech, Zoll, Cardiac Science, Physio-Control.
For offices and homes, we recommend the low-priced and easy to use AEDs of Philips and HeartSine. But if you work in healthcare, we can supply you with higher-end AEDs and supporting equipment.
To learn more about HeartSine’s base model, the 350P, here is their promotional page. They also have two other models that give additional user feedback during CPR.
The Philips HeartStart OnSite AED is probably the most popular AEDs for offices and homes. Here is a link to a promotional video.
Please contact us if you want to learn more about purchasing an AED.
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